Mālaʻai Garden Club
“Mai, Mai e ai!”, (come, come and eat!)
Our popular garden club continues to inspire 6th,7th and 8th graders to learn more about growing crops, harvesting crops, team work and preparing delicious garden based dishes to share. Over 45 students have participated in the after school program this school year! The program would not be possible without our dedicated volunteers Nicki Burchard, Julie Anne Chia and Margaret Baker.
Special guest chef Clayton Arakawa and his wife Megan (parents of current student Kailee) graciously took our students on a culinary adventure. Our students learned how to make Indian fry bread, farmers cheese with herbs, zesty aioli and quick pickled beets so that they could build a “scrump-deli-umptious” open faced sandwich topped with the chef’s homemade smoked bacon. The ultimate ending was some honey drenched fry bread for dessert! The students were super focused and appreciative of this opportunity.
Many thanks to the Arakawa family for their continued support of Mālaʻai.

A few favorite dishes made in the past few months
Crispy-herby kalo cakes with swiss chard scrambled eggs
Savory veggie crepes followed by sweet kabocha/maple syrup crepes
Student lead recipe
8th grader, Tristen Torrano led the garden club in making vegetable lumpia with a tasty ponzu dipping sauce. It’s so great to see our older students mentoring and inspiring our younger students.
Special thanks
A huge Mahalo to Rick and Debbie McAlister for buying and installing a new hot water heater for the kitchen.