Māla‘ai is truly the work of many hands and hearts.
Community Partners
Māla’ai Culinary Garden is in partnership with Waimea Middle School. We are intrinsically linked and are grateful for the cooperation, ingenuity, skill and hard work of the administration, faculty and students of the school. Waimea Middle School is Hawai`i’s first Public Conversion Charter School and we are honored to serve this school community.
HISGN is in direct partnership with the Hawaii Farm to School Hui, a statewide network comprised of five island-level networks, community organizations, and representatives of the Hawai‘i departments of agriculture, education, health, and the University of Hawai‘i. The Hui formed in 2010 and became a program of the Hawai‘i Public Health Institute (HIPHI) in 2017. Its mission is to strengthen Hawaiʻiʼs statewide farm to school and school garden movement by supporting the island networks in the areas of capacity building, resource development and sharing, professional development, policy development and advocacy.
Other partners of Mālaʻai and HISGN include:
HIFA - Hawaii Island Food Alliance
HIDOE - Office of Hawaiian Education Na Hopena ʻAo HĀ framework
CTAHR - College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources,University of Hawaii at Mānoa
Farm to Keiki
Na Kalai Waʻa
Arts and Science Center at Hawaii Academy of Arts and Sciences PCS (HAAS)
Fruit Tree Planting Foundation
Hui Mālama