A Few Months of School

Off to a fresh start and with energetic students, our school year at the garden has begun. We are a few months into the school year already and our students have been up too much.

We have all three grades of science classes coming out to learn and work in the garden. Utilizing what they have learned in the classroom and applying it to their garden. The 8th grade science classes have been studying climate and the clouds, where they are able to use the garden to observe the variety of clouds that grace our Hawai’i skies.

Our extended core classes also frequent the garden every Tuesday, where they get to share in pa’ahana and community. The students contribute to the garden while still learning about unique ʻāina based concepts like composting, water usage, vermicomposting, tilling, cover cropping and more. The students always get to enjoy a little snack from the garden whether it be fresh beans or a little popping corn!

Some Fun Garden Data

  • Just over 315lbs of crops harvested for students so far!

  • Close to 1100 student hours in the mala!

  • More than 5 community volunteers supporting close to 10 hrs of classes weekly, MAHALO!


Culinary Classic 2024


Alumni Internship and Wai Kī Workshop