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Tools for Emotional Resilience

These 2-hr online workshops for K-12 teachers will help build emotional and psychological resilience in the light of global changes.

Nov 14 from 10 – 12pm

Based on the Work That Reconnects by Joanna Macy, PhD, trained facilitator Ilana Stout will provide a supportive online space and use a well-established framework to help participants work through the difficult topics of our world, including: climate change, biodiversity loss, the COVID-19 pandemic and more. Johanna Macy, Ph.D. refers to this deep work as “our pain for the world.” By creating a foundation of personal resilience, this workshop is intended to support teachers as they address these challenging topics in the classroom, receiving skills to hold space for students as they ask questions and express concerns.

Engaging in this work supports the mental and emotional wellness of caregiving professionals (including parents), and can transform educational spaces, serving as a foundation for ecological and community action. Each session will consist of 8-12 participants, and will involve a variety of teachings, exercises and meditations that take the group through the spiral of the Work that Reconnects.

Teachers can receive 2 PD hours for participation

register here

Cost is $25 (some scholarships available – email

November 5

Food from Wood: Edible and Educational Mushrooms

November 19

School Garden Talk Story Series